Prévision et Analyse Prédictive

La prévision du marché boursier à l’aide de l’analyse de séries chronologiques

 (article en anglais)

Stock Market Forecasting Using Time Series Analysis –
Originally published on KDnuggets in January 2020


The general research associated with the stock or share market is highly focusing on neither buy nor sell but it fails to address the dimensionality and expectancy of a new investor. The common trend towards the stock market among the society is that it is highly risky for investment or not suitable for trade so most of the people are not even interested. The seasonal
variance and steady flow of any index will help both existing and naïve investors to understand and make a decision to invest in the stock/share market.

To solve these types of problems, the time series analysis will be the best tool for forecasting the trend or even future. The trend chart will provide adequate guidance for the investor. So let us understand this concept in great detail and use a machine learning technique to forecast stocks.