PREDICONSULT is an active player in promoting and disseminating Data Science, Forecasting Techniques, and Predictive Analysis.
PREDICONSULT aims to be an active player in promoting and disseminating Forecasting and Predictive Analysis techniques to businesses and other organizations, but also wishes to do so with higher education institutions. In this regard, we offer, free of charge for academic and higher education institutions, a two-hour presentation on the principles and fundamentals of forecasting and predictive analysis, followed by a presentation of Forecast Pro. This totals four hours.
The objective of our contribution is to allow students to enhance their knowledge, acquired or in the process of acquisition, in this field by discovering how these techniques are pragmatically applied in organizations. We take pride in having academics among our consultant-partners and trainers
Wewe have made presentations to University of Paris, Pantheon-Sorbonne, University of Paris Dauphine, ESDES Business School Lyon, University of Bourgogne at Dijon, University of Toulouse 1, …