In Artificial Intelligence, a machine is taught to exhibit “intelligent” behavior. In machine learning, machines are taught to learn. Through what they learn, machines can then make decisions. However, machines cannot learn like humans or animals do, so they learn from data. Machine Learning’s algorithms allow machines to learn very complex models and process a lot of information. …. Read More
According to IBM, « Machine Learning focuses on applications that learn from experience and improve their decision-making or predictive accuracy over time »
Among many reports and studies, IBM makes Machine Learning easy to understand and to use. You will lean how does it work, the methods it uses, Real-world machine learning use cases from the real-world, and more.
Also, you’ll find several papers and and related research on the theme of « forecasting with machine learning » on the International Institute of Forecasters website, »
PREDICONSULT is offering a training course on « Forecasting with Machine Learning ».
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